Antelope Canyon leaves Big Impact on Quannah Chasinghorse - Dixie’s Antelope Canyon Tours
When someone from an indigenous culture finds fame, it can help the First Nation people as a whole. This is very true when it comes to Quannah Chasinghorse. While she has found mainstream success in the world of fashion and modeling, she hasn’t forgotten her roots . Her success, as well as her activism, has propelled her into the good graces of Hollywood. However , her ability to remember where she started has made her a hero to the indigenous communities as well. How Did Quannah Chasinghorse Find Her Fame Early on Chasinghorse knew that she wanted to make an impact. Setting her sites on modeling, she understood that it would be a struggle. She did not have many First Nations examples to follow. This did not slow Chasinghorse down but only fed her ambitions. Still a child, she started traveling everywhere from Washington DC to Colorado. She knew that someone needed to fight so future generations would not have to. Lobbying against hazardous oil leasing and attending ...